Davis Small Business
​Need professional photos to promote your products, your work, or your business? I will support you with photographs of your Davis small business with a limited-time special (Coupon: DAVCOV). For $99, you will get the full photo session to generate 10 images to boost your business.
Davis Small Businesses only.
When doe the offer expire?
This offer is active but may expire at any time. Afternoon sessions only, between 1 and 8 PM. Earlier sessions (weekend only) or later appointments are possible upon agreement.
What is included?
One hour of shooting time on location within Davis, CA
Access to your private online gallery to select 10 favorite frames
10 digital files, JPEG, 72 DPI, non-watermarked, unlimited use (excluding re-sale)
All editing & retouching and post-session work
One offer per business.
How do I set this up?
You contact me (link below) to set up a session and I will come to your business to shoot. The turn-around time to receive the digital images via email is 1-2 weeks, depending on demand.
Why are you doing this?
Small Businesses make Davis. We are stronger than this virus!
Are you selling my information? What's the hook?
We will not use your information in any other way than to contact you for the photo session. We do not sell your information. This is simply an effort to help my community.
​Ready to participate? Email us!
Use the subject line "Davis SMB Support" in your message.